Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core.

Training and Policies


Rasa Core works by creating training data from your stories and training a model on that data.

You can run training from the command line like in the Quickstart:

python -m rasa_core.train -d domain.yml -s data/stories.md \
  -o models/current/dialogue -c config.yml

Or by creating an agent and running the train method yourself:

from rasa_core.agent import Agent

agent = Agent()
data = agent.load_data("stories.md")

Default configuration

By default, we try to provide you with a good set of configuration values and policies that suit most people. But you are encouraged to modify these to your needs:

  - name: KerasPolicy
    epochs: 100
    max_history: 5
  - name: FallbackPolicy
    fallback_action_name: 'action_default_fallback'
  - name: MemoizationPolicy
    max_history: 5
  - name: FormPolicy

Data Augmentation

By default, Rasa Core will create longer stories by randomly glueing together the ones in your stories file. This is because if you have stories like:

# thanks
* thankyou
   - utter_youarewelcome

# bye
* goodbye
   - utter_goodbye

You actually want to teach your policy to ignore the dialogue history when it isn’t relevant and just respond with the same action no matter what happened before.

You can alter this behaviour with the --augmentation flag. --augmentation 0 disables this behavior.

In python, you can pass the augmentation_factor argument to the Agent.load_data method.

Max History

One important hyperparameter for Rasa Core policies is the max_history. This controls how much dialogue history the model looks at to decide which action to take next.

You can set the max_history by passing it to your policy’s Featurizer in the policy configuration yaml file.


Only the MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer uses a max history, whereas the FullDialogueTrackerFeaturizer always looks at the full conversation history.

As an example, let’s say you have an out_of_scope intent which describes off-topic user messages. If your bot sees this intent multiple times in a row, you might want to tell the user what you can help them with. So your story might look like this:

* out_of_scope
   - utter_default
* out_of_scope
   - utter_default
* out_of_scope
   - utter_help_message

For Rasa Core to learn this pattern, the max_history has to be at least 3.

If you increase your max_history, your model will become bigger and training will take longer. If you have some information that should affect the dialogue very far into the future, you should store it as a slot. Slot information is always available for every featurizer.

Training Script Options

/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.5.6/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for 'rasa_core.train' (ImportError: No module named 'rasa_core')


The rasa_core.policies.Policy class decides which action to take at every step in the conversation.

There are different policies to choose from, and you can include multiple policies in a single rasa_core.agent.Agent. At every turn, the policy which predicts the next action with the highest confidence will be used.

Configuring polices using a configuration file

If you are using the training script, you must set the policies you would like the Core model to use in a YAML file.

For example:

  - name: "KerasPolicy"
    - name: MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer
      max_history: 5
        - name: BinarySingleStateFeaturizer
  - name: "MemoizationPolicy"
    max_history: 5
  - name: "FallbackPolicy"
    nlu_threshold: 0.4
    core_threshold: 0.3
    fallback_action_name: "my_fallback_action"
  - name: "path.to.your.policy.class"
    arg1: "..."

Pass the YAML file’s name to the train script using the --config argument (or just -c). There is a default config file you can use to get started: Default configuration.


Policies specified higher in the config.yaml will take precedence over a policy specified lower if the confidences are equal.

Configuring polices in code

You can pass a list of policies when you create an agent:

from rasa_core.policies.memoization import MemoizationPolicy
from rasa_core.policies.keras_policy import KerasPolicy
from rasa_core.agent import Agent

agent = Agent("domain.yml",
               policies=[MemoizationPolicy(), KerasPolicy()])


By default, Rasa Core uses the KerasPolicy in combination with the MemoizationPolicy.

Memoization Policy

The MemoizationPolicy just memorizes the conversations in your training data. It predicts the next action with confidence 1.0 if this exact conversation exists in the training data, otherwise it predicts None with confidence 0.0.

Keras Policy

The KerasPolicy uses a neural network implemented in Keras to select the next action. The default architecture is based on an LSTM, but you can override the KerasPolicy.model_architecture method to implement your own architecture.

    def model_architecture(
            input_shape,  # type: Tuple[int, int]
            output_shape  # type: Tuple[int, Optional[int]]
        # type: (...) -> tf.keras.models.Sequential
        """Build a keras model and return a compiled model."""

        from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
        from tensorflow.keras.layers import \
            Masking, LSTM, Dense, TimeDistributed, Activation

        # Build Model
        model = Sequential()

        # the shape of the y vector of the labels,
        # determines which output from rnn will be used
        # to calculate the loss
        if len(output_shape) == 1:
            # y is (num examples, num features) so
            # only the last output from the rnn is used to
            # calculate the loss
            model.add(Masking(mask_value=-1, input_shape=input_shape))
            model.add(LSTM(self.rnn_size, dropout=0.2))
            model.add(Dense(input_dim=self.rnn_size, units=output_shape[-1]))
        elif len(output_shape) == 2:
            # y is (num examples, max_dialogue_len, num features) so
            # all the outputs from the rnn are used to
            # calculate the loss, therefore a sequence is returned and
            # time distributed layer is used

            # the first value in input_shape is max dialogue_len,
            # it is set to None, to allow dynamic_rnn creation
            # during prediction
                              input_shape=(None, input_shape[1])))
            model.add(LSTM(self.rnn_size, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.2))
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct the model because"
                             "length of output_shape = {} "
                             "should be 1 or 2."




        return model

and the training is run here:

    def train(self,
              training_trackers,  # type: List[DialogueStateTracker]
              domain,  # type: Domain
              **kwargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> Dict[Text: Any]

        training_data = self.featurize_for_training(training_trackers,

        # noinspection PyPep8Naming
        shuffled_X, shuffled_y = training_data.shuffled_X_y()

        self.graph = tf.Graph()
        with self.graph.as_default():
            self.session = tf.Session()
            with self.session.as_default():
                if self.model is None:
                    self.model = self.model_architecture(shuffled_X.shape[1:],

                logger.info("Fitting model with {} total samples and a "
                            "validation split of {}".format(
                # filter out kwargs that cannot be passed to fit
                params = self._get_valid_params(self.model.fit, **kwargs)

                self.model.fit(shuffled_X, shuffled_y,
                # the default parameter for epochs in keras fit is 1
                self.current_epoch = self.defaults.get("epochs", 1)
                logger.info("Done fitting keras policy model")

You can implement the model of your choice by overriding these methods, or initialize KerasPolicy with pre-defined keras model.

Embedding policy

This policy has a pre-defined architecture, which comprises the following steps:

  • apply dense layers to create embeddings for user intents, entities and system actions including previous actions and slots;
  • use the embeddings of previous user inputs as a user memory and embeddings of previous system actions as a system memory;
  • concatenate user input, previous system action and slots embeddings for current time into an input vector to rnn;
  • using user and previous system action embeddings from the input vector, calculate attention probabilities over the user and system memories (for system memory, this policy uses NTM mechanism with attention by location);
  • sum the user embedding and user attention vector and feed it and the embeddings of the slots as an input to an LSTM cell;
  • apply a dense layer to the output of the LSTM to get a raw recurrent embedding of a dialogue;
  • sum this raw recurrent embedding of a dialogue with system attention vector to create dialogue level embedding, this step allows the algorithm to repeat previous system action by copying its embedding vector directly to the current time output;
  • weight previous LSTM states with system attention probabilities to get the previous action embedding, the policy is likely payed attention to;
  • if the similarity between this previous action embedding and current time dialogue embedding is high, overwrite current LSTM state with the one from the time when this action happened;
  • for each LSTM time step, calculate the similarity between the dialogue embedding and embedded system actions. This step is based on the starspace idea from: https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.03856.


This policy only works with FullDialogueTrackerFeaturizer(state_featurizer).

It is recommended to use state_featurizer=LabelTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer(...) (see Featurization for details).


Configuration parameters can be passed to agent.train(...) method.


Pass an appropriate epochs number to agent.train(...) method, otherwise the policy will be trained only for 1 epoch. Since this is embedding based policy, it requires a large number of epochs, which depends on the complexity of the training data and whether attention is used or not.

The main feature of this policy is an attention mechanism over previous user input and system actions. Attention is turned on by default, in order to turn it off, configure the following parameters:

  • attn_before_rnn if true the algorithm will use attention mechanism over previous user input, default true;
  • attn_after_rnn if true the algorithm will use attention mechanism over previous system actions and will be able to copy previously executed action together with LSTM’s hidden state from its history, default true;
  • sparse_attention if true sparsemax will be used instead of softmax for attention probabilities, default false;
  • attn_shift_range the range of allowed location-based attention shifts for system memory (attn_after_rnn), see https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.5401 for details;


Attention requires larger values of epochs and takes longer to train. But it can learn more complicated and nonlinear behaviour.

The algorithm also has hyper-parameters to control:

  • neural network’s architecture:

    • hidden_layers_sizes_a sets a list of hidden layers sizes before embedding layer for user inputs, the number of hidden layers is equal to the length of the list;
    • hidden_layers_sizes_b sets a list of hidden layers sizes before embedding layer for system actions, the number of hidden layers is equal to the length of the list;
    • rnn_size sets the number of units in the LSTM cell;
  • training:

    • layer_norm if true layer normalization for lstm cell is turned on, default true;
    • batch_size sets the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass, the higher the batch size, the more memory space you’ll need;
    • epochs sets the number of times the algorithm will see training data, where one epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples;
  • embedding:

    • embed_dim sets the dimension of embedding space;
    • mu_pos controls how similar the algorithm should try to make embedding vectors for correct intent labels;
    • mu_neg controls maximum negative similarity for incorrect intents;
    • similarity_type sets the type of the similarity, it should be either cosine or inner;
    • num_neg sets the number of incorrect intent labels, the algorithm will minimize their similarity to the user input during training;
    • use_max_sim_neg if true the algorithm only minimizes maximum similarity over incorrect intent labels;
  • regularization:

    • C2 sets the scale of L2 regularization
    • C_emb sets the scale of how important is to minimize the maximum similarity between embeddings of different intent labels;
    • droprate_a sets the dropout rate between hidden layers before embedding layer for user inputs;
    • droprate_b sets the dropout rate between hidden layers before embedding layer for system actions;
    • droprate_rnn sets the recurrent dropout rate on the LSTM hidden state https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05118;
  • train accuracy calculation:

    • evaluate_every_num_epochs sets how often to calculate train accuracy, small values may hurt performance;
    • evaluate_on_num_examples how many examples to use for calculation of train accuracy, large values may hurt performance.


Droprate should be between 0 and 1, e.g. droprate=0.1 would drop out 10% of input units.


For cosine similarity mu_pos and mu_neg should be between -1 and 1.


There is an option to use linearly increasing batch size. The idea comes from https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00489. In order to do it pass a list to batch_size, e.g. "batch_size": [8, 32] (default behaviour). If constant batch_size is required, pass an int, e.g. "batch_size": 8.

These parameters can be passed to Agent.train(...) method. The default values are defined in EmbeddingPolicy.defaults:

    defaults = {
        # nn architecture
        # a list of hidden layers sizes before user embed layer
        # number of hidden layers is equal to the length of this list
        "hidden_layers_sizes_a": [],
        # a list of hidden layers sizes before bot embed layer
        # number of hidden layers is equal to the length of this list
        "hidden_layers_sizes_b": [],
        # number of units in rnn cell
        "rnn_size": 64,

        # training parameters
        # flag if to turn on layer normalization for lstm cell
        "layer_norm": True,
        # initial and final batch sizes - batch size will be
        # linearly increased for each epoch
        "batch_size": [8, 32],
        # number of epochs
        "epochs": 1,

        # embedding parameters
        # dimension size of embedding vectors
        "embed_dim": 20,
        # how similar the algorithm should try
        # to make embedding vectors for correct actions
        "mu_pos": 0.8,  # should be 0.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine'
        # maximum negative similarity for incorrect actions
        "mu_neg": -0.2,  # should be -1.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine'
        # the type of the similarity
        "similarity_type": 'cosine',  # string 'cosine' or 'inner'
        # the number of incorrect actions, the algorithm will minimize
        # their similarity to the user input during training
        "num_neg": 20,
        # flag if minimize only maximum similarity over incorrect actions
        "use_max_sim_neg": True,  # flag which loss function to use

        # regularization
        # the scale of L2 regularization
        "C2": 0.001,
        # the scale of how important is to minimize the maximum similarity
        # between embeddings of different actions
        "C_emb": 0.8,
        # scale loss with inverse frequency of bot actions
        "scale_loss_by_action_counts": True,

        # dropout rate for user nn
        "droprate_a": 0.0,
        # dropout rate for bot nn
        "droprate_b": 0.0,
        # dropout rate for rnn
        "droprate_rnn": 0.1,

        # attention parameters
        # flag to use attention over user input
        # as an input to rnn
        "attn_before_rnn": True,
        # flag to use attention over prev bot actions
        # and copy it to output bypassing rnn
        "attn_after_rnn": True,

        # flag to use `sparsemax` instead of `softmax` for attention
        "sparse_attention": False,  # flag to use sparsemax for probs
        # the range of allowed location-based attention shifts
        "attn_shift_range": None,  # if None, set to mean dialogue length / 2

        # visualization of accuracy
        # how often calculate train accuracy
        "evaluate_every_num_epochs": 20,  # small values may hurt performance
        # how many examples to use for calculation of train accuracy
        "evaluate_on_num_examples": 100  # large values may hurt performance


Parameter mu_neg is set to a negative value to mimic the original starspace algorithm in the case mu_neg = mu_pos and use_max_sim_neg = False. See starspace paper for details.

Have questions or feedback?

We have a very active support community on Rasa Community Forum that is happy to help you with your questions. If you have any feedback for us or a specific suggestion for improving the docs, feel free to share it by creating an issue on Rasa Core GitHub repository.