Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core. The latest version is 0.14.5.

Interactive Learning

Interactive learning means giving feedback to your bot while you talk to it. It is a powerful tool! Interactive learning is a powerful way to explore what your bot can do, and the easiest way to fix any mistakes it makes. One advantage of machine learning based dialogue is that when your bot doesn’t know how to do something yet, you can just teach it! Some people are calling this Software 2.0.

1. Load up an existing bot

We have a basic working bot, and want to teach it by providing feedback on mistakes it makes.

Run the following to start interactive learning:

python -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions&

python -m rasa_core.train \
  --online -o models/dialogue \
  -d domain.yml -s stories.md \
  --endpoints endpoints.yml

The first command starts the action server (see Actions).

The second command starts the bot in interactive mode. In interactive mode, the bot will ask you to confirm it has chosen the right action before proceeding:

Bot loaded. Type a message and press enter (use '/stop' to exit).

? Next user input:  hello

? Is the NLU classification for 'hello' with intent 'hello' correct?  Yes

Chat History

 #    Bot                        You
 1    action_listen
 2                                    hello
                         intent: hello 1.00

? The bot wants to run 'utter_greet', correct?  (Y/n)

This gives you all the info you should hopefully need to decide what the bot should have done. In this case, the bot chose the right action (utter_greet), so we type y. Then we type y again, because ‘action_listen’ is the correct action after greeting. We continue this loop until the bot chooses the wrong action.

Providing feedback on errors

For this example we are going to use the concertbot example, so make sure you have the domain & data for it. You can download the data from github examples/concertbot.

If you ask /search_concerts, the bot should suggest action_search_concerts and then action_listen. Now let’s enter /compare_reviews as the next user message. The bot might choose the wrong one out of the two possibilities (depending on the training run, it might also be correct):

Chat History

 #    Bot                                           You
 1    action_listen
 2                                            /search_concerts
                                  intent: search_concerts 1.00
 3    action_search_concerts
 4                                            /compare_reviews
                                  intent: compare_reviews 1.00

Current slots:
  concerts: None, venues: None

? The bot wants to run 'action_show_concert_reviews', correct?  No

Now we type n, because it chose the wrong action, and we get a new prompt asking for the correct one. This also shows the probabilities the model has assigned to each of the actions:

? What is the next action of the bot?  (Use arrow keys)
 ❯ 0.53 action_show_venue_reviews
   0.46 action_show_concert_reviews
   0.00 utter_goodbye
   0.00 action_search_concerts
   0.00 utter_greet
   0.00 action_search_venues
   0.00 action_listen
   0.00 utter_youarewelcome
   0.00 utter_default
   0.00 action_default_fallback
   0.00 action_restart

In this case, the bot should action_show_concert_reviews (rather than venue reviews!) so we select that action.

Now we can keep talking to the bot for as long as we like to create a longer conversation. At any point you can press Ctrl-C and the bot will provide you with exit options, e.g. writing the created conversations as stories to a file. Make sure to combine the dumped story with your original training data for the next training.

Have questions or feedback?

We have a very active support community on Rasa Community Forum that is happy to help you with your questions. If you have any feedback for us or a specific suggestion for improving the docs, feel free to share it by creating an issue on Rasa Core GitHub repository.