Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core. The latest version is 0.14.5.

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning starting with version 0.2.0.

[Unreleased] - master


This version is not yet released and is under active development.





[0.7.0] - 2017-10-04


  • support for Rasa Core usage as a server with remote action execution


  • switched to max code line length 80
  • removed action id - use action.name() instead. if an action implementation overrides the name, it should include the action_ prefix (as it is not automatically added anymore)
  • renamed rasa_dm.util to rasa_dm.utils
  • renamed the whole package to rasa_core (so rasa_dm is gone!)
  • renamed Reminder attribute id to name
  • a lot of documentation improvements. docs are now at https://core.rasa.ai

[0.7.0a3] - 2017-09-20


  • use hashing when writing memorized turns into persistence - requires retraining of all models that are trained with a version prior to this
  • changed agent.handle_message(...) interface for easier usage

[0.6.0a1] - 2017-08-27


  • support for multiple policies (e.g. one memoization and a Keras policy at the same time)
  • loading domains from yaml files instead of defining them with python code
  • added an api layer (called Agent) for you to use for 95% of the things you want to do (training, persistence, loading models)
  • support for reminders


  • large refactoring of code base

[0.5.0a1] - 2017-06-18


  • ScoringPolicy added to policy implementations (less strict than standard default policy)
  • RasaNLUInterpreter to run a nlu instance within dm (instead of using the http interface)
  • more tests


  • UserUtterance now holds the complete parse data from nlu (e.g. to access attributes other than entities or intent)
  • Turn has a reference to a UserUtterance instead of directly storing intent & entities (allows access to other data)
  • Simplified interface of output channels
  • order of actions in the DefaultPolicy in possible_actions (ActionListen now always has index 0)


  • RedisTrackerStore checks if tracker is stored before accessing it (otherwise a None access exception is thrown)
  • RegexInterpreter checks if the regex actually matches the message instead of assuming it always does
  • str implementation for all events
  • Controller can be started without an input channel (e.g. messages need to be fed into the queue manually)

[0.2.0a1] - 2017-05-18

First released version.