Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Platform.

Rasa Chat

Rasa Chat provides a minimal chat interface shipped with the Platform. The chat interface is by default available at /chat once the app is deployed.

Configuring the Rasa Chat UI

Here is an example of how to configure the RasaChatInput, taken from the example app. RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL refers to the endpoint Rasa NLU on which RasaNLU listens (typically http://<hostname>/api).

from rasa_core.channels.rasa_chat import RasaChatInput

HOSTNAME = os.environ.get("RASA_PLATFORM_HOSTNAME", "http://localhost")
input_channel = HttpInputChannel(5001,

Using the Rasa Chat UI

To access the UI go to: https://<hostname>/chat. Log in by using one of the accounts created when you configured Rasa Platform (Create a User).