Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Platform.

Running Applications

Deploy an Example App


This tutorial will show you the pieces required to deploy an example bot to the Rasa Platform.


We will deploy one of the example bots from the Rasa Core repo to your running instance of the platform. The easiest way to follow along is if you carry out these steps while in an ssh session on the server where you deployed the platform. In the final section we discuss how to build and deploy to a remote server.

There are two main steps to deploying a bot to the Rasa Platform:

  1. Creating a docker container where all your actions will be executed
  2. Making models available to the platform’s Rasa Core and Rasa NLU containers.

Creating an Application and a Docker Container

If you haven’t done so already, ssh into your server.

Clone the demo app:

git clone https://github.com/RasaHQ/platform-demo.git
cd platform-demo/moodbot

Have a look at the file main.py.

This example app uses the RasaChatInput. you can find more information on that here: Rasa Chat.

Running your bot on the platform makes use of a class RemoteAgent.

import logging
import os

from rasa_core.channels.rest import HttpInputChannel
from rasa_core.remote import RemoteAgent

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # instantiate the input channel you want to connect to
    from rasa_extensions.core.channels.rasa_chat import RasaChatInput

    input_channel = HttpInputChannel(
        5001, "/", RasaChatInput(os.environ.get("RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL")))

    agent = RemoteAgent.load('models/dialogue',



To run this application locally or to build it on a CI server, you need an account on https://pypi.rasa.ai as this will allow you to fetch the enterprise versions of Rasa (the rasa_extensions package). More information can be found in Python package installation.

Building Your Docker Image

To build a docker image which will execute the bot’s actions, run:

docker build -t $IMAGE_TAG  --build-arg RASA_PYPI_USER=user --build-arg RASA_PYPI_PASSWORD=pw .

This will use the Dockerfile in the moodbot directory. For now, you can use something like IMAGE_TAG=demobot:v1. If you are deploying to a remote server, you will want to push the image to a registry first. An image tag like IMAGE_TAG=username/demobot:v1 will allow you to push this tag to a docker registry like GCR or docker Hub. You can read more about docker tags here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/tag/

Start the application

Once your docker image is built, you can start the container using a command like the below. This will copy your trained dialogue model to the directory where Rasa Core can find it, and start up your container so that it can talk to the other containers of the platform. You will have to set the $RASA_CORE_TOKEN environment variable, which you can find in the settings at http://rasa.examples.com/settings .

#! /bin/bash

echo "copying rasa core model & restarting"

cp -r models/dialogue/* /home/core_project/
sudo docker restart core

echo "stopping and starting app"
  sudo docker stop app 2> /dev/null
  sudo docker rm app 2> /dev/null
  sudo docker run -d -p 5001:5001 \
  --name app \
  -e RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL=http://nlu-api:5002 \
  -e RASA_REMOTE_CORE_ENDPOINT_URL=http://core:5005 \
  --link nlu-api \
  --link core \

Add Some NLU Data

Unlike the Rasa Core model, the Rasa NLU model is trained directly on the server. The training data in the platform should therefore be considered the master copy. Navigate to the NLU tab in the platform at http://rasa.example.com/inbox, click on Trained Examples, and click Upload and Replace. Upload the training data at data/training_data.json and hit the train button.

Try out your bot!

Go to http://rasa.example.com/chat - you should see a chat interface similar to the one below.

For more details read Rasa Chat.


Deploying to a remote server

For a CI/CD set up you probably don’t want to build your docker image on the server that’s running your bot. In the remote directory there are two scripts, deploy_model.sh and deploy_app.sh that show how you can deploy the application to a remote server. However you will need to set up a docker registry to hold your images. The easiest option is to create an account at https://hub.docker.com and push your images there.

Deploying a Custom App


This tutorial shows you how to run your own app on the rasa platform. Please work through Deploy an Example App before following this tutorial.

Once you’ve got the example app running on your platform deployment, you can make a few changes

Dialogue policies

You can make use of any policies provided by Rasa Core. If you want to ship your custom Rasa Core or Rasa NLU code, follow the instructions for Deploying custom Rasa Core or Rasa NLU code.

Choosing an Input Channel

The example app is configured to run on RasaChat, but you may of course wish to talk to a different channel. To do this, pass a different Input object when instantiating the HttpInputChannel.

# Facebook Messenger
from rasa_core.channels.facebook import FacebookInput

input_channel = HttpInputChannel(config.self_port, "/", FacebookInput(

You can also have both Rasa Chat and your own channel by simply adding adding your preferred Input to the HttpInputChannel.

# Facebook Messenger
from rasa_core.channels.facebook import FacebookInput
from rasa_extensions.channels.rasa_chat import RasaChatInput

fb_input = FacebookInput(fb_verify="changeme",

rasa_in = RasaChatInput(platform_api="https://rasa.example.com/api")

input_channel = HttpInputChannel(config.self_port, "/", fb_input, rasa_in)

Using Other Packages

In the example app there is a file called requirements.txt. You can add any python packages there which you might need for executing your actions.

For example, if you wanted to look up an address with the Google Maps API, you would probably want to use the googlemaps python package.

Connecting to the Rasa Core Server

The main entrypoint for your application (e.g. main.py) should look like this:

import logging
import os

from rasa_core.channels.rest import HttpInputChannel
from rasa_core.remote import RemoteAgent

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # instantiate the input channel you want to connect to
    from rasa_extensions.core.channels.rasa_chat import RasaChatInput

    input_channel = HttpInputChannel(
        5001, "/", RasaChatInput(os.environ.get("RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL")))

    agent = RemoteAgent.load('models/dialogue',


In this example, the settings to connect to the remote Rasa Core instance of the platform are read from environment variables:

  • RASA_REMOTE_CORE_ENDPOINT_URL: http url to connect to the Core server
  • RASA_CORE_TOKEN: To protect the server, requests need to be authenticated with a secure token. This token is stored in /etc/rasaplatform/.env.

We will see in a minute how these values are set in the docker compose setup.

Create a docker container for your application

This is just an example docker file that should guide you in how to create a suitable container for your application. You are free to install any additional required software within this container.

FROM python:2.7-slim

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]

RUN apt-get update -qq && \
  apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  build-essential \
  wget \
  openssh-client \
  graphviz-dev \
  pkg-config \
  git-core \
  openssl \
  libssl-dev \
  libffi6 \
  libffi-dev \
  libpng12-dev \
  curl && \
  apt-get clean && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && \
  mkdir /app



# Copy in the python requirements
COPY requirements.txt ./

# we use the Rasa python repository, as there are dependencies that are
# private. any public dependency is still fetched from pypi.python.org
RUN pip install  \
  -i "https://$RASA_PYPI_USER:$RASA_PYPI_PASSWORD@pypi.rasa.ai/simple/" \
  -r requirements.txt

COPY . /app


CMD ["python", "main.py"]

Deploying that container as part of the Platform

To start your container as part of the platform, you need to add it to the docker-compose specification. This will tell the docker runner to start your container as part of the platform.

Instead of changing /etc/rasaplatform/docker-compose.yml we strongly recommend to create a file /etc/rasaplatform/docker-compose.override.yml with your changes. Any changes made to /etc/rasaplatform/docker-compose.yml might be overwritten by an update.

Here is an example docker-compose.override.yml that includes the changes necessary to start the above docker:

version: '3'
      context: app
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: "app"
      RASA_REMOTE_CORE_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://core:5005"
      RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://nlu-api:5002"
    - "5001"
    - core

This assumes that your custom application code is stored on the machine in /etc/rasaplatform/app and your docker file is located there as well /etc/rasaplatform/app/Dockerfile.

After creating this docker-compose.override.yml, you can use the following commands to restart the platform with your app:

cd /etc/rasaplatform
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

This setup will build the docker container directly on the server.

Alternatively, you can also build the docker container externally (e.g. on a continuous integration server like travis) and use that image in the docker compose:

version: '3'
    image: my-private-docker-registry.com/platform-app:latest
    container_name: "app"
      RASA_REMOTE_CORE_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://core:5005"
      RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://nlu-api:5002"
    - "5001"
    - core

In this case, you need to make sure to pull the image before starting up the server:

cd /etc/rasaplatform
sudo docker login -u USER -p PASSWORD https://my-private-docker-registry.com
sudo docker pull my-private-docker-registry.com/platform-app:latest

After the image is successfully pulled, make sure to login with the Rasa Platform credentials again and restart the platform:

sudo docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat /etc/rasaplatform/gcr-auth.json)" https://gcr.io
sudo docker-compose pull
sudo docker-compose up -d


sudo docker-compose pull will also attempt to pull the latest image of your app. This will fail because you’re logged in with the Rasa credentials, rather than your own. To update the platform successfully, run sudo docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures

API Keys and other Secrets

The safest way to provide secrets to your container is using environment variables. For example, you can pass an environment variable MY_API_SECRET in the docker-compose.override.yml that you can then use in your python code:

    image: my-private-docker-registry.com/platform-app:latest
    container_name: "app"
      RASA_REMOTE_CORE_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://core:5005"
      RASA_API_ENDPOINT_URL: "http://nlu-api:5002"
      MY_API_SECRET: "secret"
    - "5001"
    - core

To access the variable in your python code, use:

import os


Alternatively, you can also copy files containing secrets into the docker image (provided not many people have access to the image repository). To do this, add a COPY command to your dockerfile:

COPY secrets.txt ./

Architecture Deep Dive

The whole platform is dockerized, so we suggest you run your custom code in a docker container as well.


Let’s get started with an overview of the different parts of the Rasa Platform and where your application (e.g. custom actions, in/out channels) fit in:


The Chat User is the person talking to your bot. The Platform User is a user of the management interface to train and test models.

The image shows the server (docker host) running a number of different containers:

  • application code (a docker container running your custom actions and input / output connectors)
  • Rasa platform (different apis, the platform ui as well as Core and NLU)
  • database

The part you need to provide is highlighted in green. The following instructions are will show you how to create that container.

Creating your application

There are a couple of things your application needs to do:

  1. send and receive messages from the chat channel - the Input Connector and Output Connector. Your code needs to connect to the chat channel, e.g. for facebook that means starting a webservice, listening for the webhook calls from facebook messenger and sending messages using the facebook API.
  2. execute custom action logic - the Custom Action Logic block. This contains any custom action code written, e.g. to validate input or connect to external APIs (see Rasa Core Action docs).
  3. connect to Rasa Core - the Rasa Core Remote Connector. For python this implementation is part of the platform python package. If you want to use a different language, you can use the python connector as inspiration. It implements the remote action execution interface from Rasa Core.
  4. upload models to Core / NLU - the green model containers nlu model and core model. This is not done directly in your application container, instead you upload your stored models to Rasa NLU and Rasa Core.

You can write your application code in any language. We suggest you use python, which will allow you to reuse the Rasa Core Remote Connector as well as existing Input and Output Connectors (like Facebook Messenger).

Throughout the docs, we assume that your application container is started on the same server as the Platform deployment. On the server, requests to https://rasa.example.com/app are automatically forwarded to port 5001. If your container is started and listening to that port it will automatically accept requests from that url. You are free to run your application container on a different server though.

What’s next?

To make it easier to get started, we created an Deploy an Example App and a small tutorial that guides you through that example.