.. _edit_responses: ===================== Editing Bot Responses ===================== .. note:: This tutorial assumes familiarity with the Rasa Core docs on `utterance templates `_. Using GitHub ============ ``domain.yml`` -------------- Locate the ``domain.yml`` in your project's GitHub repository. Click on the small pen in the top right-hand corner of the file view to enter the editor. .. image:: ../_static/images/github_click_edit.png Editing the responses --------------------- Go ahead and make your changes (refer to the docs on `utterance templates `_ if you're unsure about what to do). Once you are happy with your changes, enter a commit message and hit ``Commit changes`` to change the file permanently (see below). .. image:: ../_static/images/github_commit_changes.png .. note:: The dialogue model now has to be re-trained in order for the changes to take effect. For instructions on how to do this, head over to the `Rasa Core docs `_.