.. _section_migration: Migrating an existing app ========================= Rasa NLU is designed to make migrating from wit/LUIS/api.ai as simple as possible. The TLDR instructions for migrating are: - download an export of your app data from wit/LUIS/api.ai - follow the :ref:`tutorial`, using your downloaded data instead of ``demo-rasa.json`` Banana Peels ------------ Just some specific things to watch out for for each of the services you might want to migrate from wit.ai ^^^^^^ Wit used to handle ``intents`` natively. Now they are somewhat obfuscated. To create an ``intent`` in wit you have to create and ``entity`` which spans the entire text. The file you want from your download is called ``expressions.json`` LUIS.ai ^^^^^^^ Nothing special here. Downloading the data and importing it into Rasa NLU should work without issues api.ai ^^^^^^ api app exports generate multiple files rather than just one. Put them all in a directory (see ``data/examples/api`` in the repo) and pass that path to the trainer. Emulation --------- To make Rasa NLU easy to try out with existing projects, the server can `emulate` wit, LUIS, or api.ai. In native mode, a request / response looks like this : .. code-block:: console $ curl -XPOST localhost:5000/parse -d '{"q":"I am looking for Chinese food"}' | python -mjson.tool { "text": "I am looking for Chinese food", "intent": "restaurant_search", "confidence": 0.4794813722432127, "entities": [ { "start": 17, "end": 24, "value": "chinese", "entity": "cuisine" } ] } if we run in ``wit`` mode (e.g. ``python -m rasa_nlu.server -e wit``) then instead have to make a GET request .. code-block:: console $ curl 'localhost:5000/parse?q=hello' | python -mjson.tool [ { "_text": "hello", "confidence": 0.4794813722432127, "entities": {}, "intent": "greet" } ] similarly for LUIS, but with a slightly different response format .. code-block:: console $ curl 'localhost:5000/parse?q=hello' | python -mjson.tool { "entities": [], "query": "hello", "topScoringIntent": { "intent": "inform", "score": 0.4794813722432127 } } and finally for api.ai .. code-block:: console $ curl 'localhost:5000/parse?q=hello' | python -mjson.tool { "id": "ffd7ede3-b62f-11e6-b292-98fe944ee8c2", "result": { "action": null, "actionIncomplete": null, "contexts": [], "fulfillment": {}, "metadata": { "intentId": "ffdbd6f3-b62f-11e6-8504-98fe944ee8c2", "intentName": "greet", "webhookUsed": "false" }, "parameters": {}, "resolvedQuery": "hello", "score": null, "source": "agent" }, "sessionId": "ffdbd814-b62f-11e6-93b2-98fe944ee8c2", "status": { "code": 200, "errorType": "success" }, "timestamp": "2016-11-29T12:33:15.369411" }