Contributing ============ Contributions are very much encouraged! Please create an issue before doing any work to avoid disappointment. We created a tag that should get you started quickly if you are searching for `interesting topics to get started `_. Python Conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Python code should follow the pep-8 spec. Python 2 and 3 Cross Compatibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To ensure cross compatibility between Python 2 and 3 we prioritize Python 3 conventions. Keep in mind that: - all string literals are unicode strings - division generates floating point numbers. Use ``//`` for truncated division - some built-ins, e.g. ``map`` and ``filter`` return iterators in Python 3. If you want to make use of them import the Python 3 version of them from ``builtins``. Otherwise use list comprehensions, which work uniformly across versions - use ```` instead of the builtin ``open`` when working with files - The following imports from ``__future__`` are mandatory in every python file: ``unicode_literals``, ``print_function``, ``division``, and ``absolute_import`` Please refer to this `cheat sheet `_ to learn how to write different constructs compatible with Python 2 and 3. Code of conduct ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ rasa NLU adheres to the `Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct `_. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Everything should be properly documented. To locally test the documentation you need to install .. code-block:: bash brew install sphinx pip install sphinx_rtd_theme After that, you can compile and view the documentation using: .. code-block:: bash cd docs make html cd _build/html python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 . The documentation will be running on http://localhost:8000/. Code snippets that are part of the documentation can be tested using .. code-block:: bash make doctest