.. _section_tutorial: .. _tutorial: Tutorial: A simple restaurant search bot ======================================== .. note:: See :ref:`section_migration` for how to clone your existing wit/LUIS/Dialogflow app. As an example we'll start a new project covering the domain of searching for restaurants. We'll start with an extremely simple model of those conversations. You can build up from there. Let's assume that `anything` our bot's users say can be categorized into one of the following **intents**: - ``greet`` - ``restaurant_search`` - ``thankyou`` Of course there are many ways our users might ``greet`` our bot: - `Hi!` - `Hey there!` - `Hello again :)` And even more ways to say that you want to look for restaurants: - `Do you know any good pizza places?` - `I'm in the North of town and I want chinese food` - `I'm hungry` The first job of Rasa NLU is to assign any given sentence to one of the **intent** categories: ``greet``, ``restaurant_search``, or ``thankyou``. The second job is to label words like "Mexican" and "center" as ``cuisine`` and ``location`` **entities**, respectively. In this tutorial we'll build a model which does exactly that. Preparing the Training Data --------------------------- The training data is essential to develop chatbots. It should include texts to be interpreted and the structured data (intent/entities) we expect chatbots to convert the texts into. The best way to get training texts is from *real users*, and the best way to get the structured data is to `pretend to be the bot yourself `_. But to help get you started, we have some `data saved `_. Download the file (json format) and open it, and you'll see a list of training examples, each composed of ``"text"``, ``"intent"`` and ``"entities"``, as shown below. In your working directory, create a ``data`` folder, and copy this ``demo-rasa.json`` file there. .. code-block:: json { "text": "hey", "intent": "greet", "entities": [] } .. code-block:: json { "text": "show me chinese restaurants", "intent": "restaurant_search", "entities": [ { "start": 8, "end": 15, "value": "chinese", "entity": "cuisine", "confidence": 0.875 } ] } Hopefully the format is intuitive if you've read this far into the tutorial, for details see :ref:`section_dataformat`. Otherwise, the next section 'visualizing the training data' can help you better read, verify and/or modify the training data. .. _visualizing-the-training-data: Visualizing the Training Data ----------------------------- It's always a good idea to `look` at your data before, during, and after training a model. Luckily, there's a `great tool `__ for creating training data in rasa's format. - created by `@azazdeaz `_ - and it's also extremely helpful for inspecting and modifying existing data. For the demo data the output should look like this: .. image:: _static/images/rasa_nlu_intent_gui.png It is **strongly** recommended that you view your training data in the GUI before training. .. _training_your_model: Training a New Model for your Project ------------------------------------- Now we're going to create a configuration file. Make sure first that you've set up a backend, see :ref:`section_backends`. Create a file called ``config_spacy.yml`` in your working directory which looks like this .. literalinclude:: ../sample_configs/config_spacy.yml :language: yaml or if you've installed the MITIE backend, you can use the following as your base configuration: .. literalinclude:: ../sample_configs/config_mitie.yml :language: yaml Now we can train a spacy model by running: .. code-block:: console $ python -m rasa_nlu.train \ --config sample_configs/config_spacy.yml \ --data data/examples/rasa/demo-rasa.json \ --path projects What do these parameters mean? - **config**: configuration of the machine learning model - **data**: file or folder that contains the training data. You can also pull training data from a URL using ``--url`` instead. - **path**: output path where the model is persisted to If you want to know more about the parameters, there is an overview of the :ref:`section_configuration`. After a few minutes, Rasa NLU will finish training, and you'll see a new folder named as ``projects/default/model_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS`` with the timestamp when training finished. .. _tutorial_using_your_model: Using Your Model ---------------- By default, the server will look for all projects folders under the ``path`` directory specified. When no project is specified, as in this example, a "default" one will be used, itself using the latest trained model. .. code-block:: console $ python -m rasa_nlu.server --path projects More information about starting the server can be found in :ref:`section_http`. You can then test your new model by sending a request. Open a new window on your terminal and run .. note:: **For windows users** the windows command line interface doesn't like single quotes. Use doublequotes and escape where necessary. ``curl -X POST "localhost:5000/parse" -d "{/"q/":/"I am looking for Mexican food/"}" | python -m json.tool`` .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST localhost:5000/parse -d '{"q":"I am looking for Mexican food"}' | python -m json.tool which should return .. code-block:: json { "intent": { "name": "restaurant_search", "confidence": 0.8231117999072759 }, "entities": [ { "start": 17, "end": 24, "value": "mexican", "entity": "cuisine", "extractor": "ner_crf", "confidence": 0.875 } ], "intent_ranking": [ { "name": "restaurant_search", "confidence": 0.8231117999072759 }, { "name": "affirm", "confidence": 0.07618757211779097 }, { "name": "goodbye", "confidence": 0.06298664363805719 }, { "name": "greet", "confidence": 0.03771398433687609 } ], "text": "I am looking for Mexican food" } If you are using the ``spacy_sklearn`` backend and the entities aren't found, don't panic! This tutorial is just a toy example, with far too little training data to expect good performance. .. note:: Intent classification is independent of entity extraction, e.g. in "I am looking for Chinese food" the entities are not extracted, though intent classification is correct. Rasa NLU will also print a ``confidence`` value for the intent classification. For models using spacy intent classification this will be a probability. You can use this to do some error handling in your chatbot (ex: asking the user again if the confidence is low) and it's also helpful for prioritising which intents need more training data. .. note:: The output may contain other or less attributes, depending on the pipeline you are using. For example, the ``mitie`` pipeline doesn't include the ``"intent_ranking"`` (see example below) whereas the ``spacy_sklearn`` pipeline does (see example above). With very little data, rasa NLU can in certain cases already generalise concepts, for example: .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST localhost:5000/parse -d '{"q":"I want some italian food"}' | python -m json.tool { "intent": { "name": "restaurant_search", "confidence": 0.5792111723774511 }, "entities": [ { "entity": "cuisine", "value": "italian", "start": 12, "end": 19, "extractor": "ner_crf", "confidence": 0.875 } ], "text": "I want some italian food" } even though there's nothing quite like this sentence in the examples used to train the model. To build a more robust app you will obviously want to use a lot more training data, so go and collect it! .. raw:: html :file: poll.html