Migration Guide =============== This page contains information about changes between major versions and how you can migrate from one version to another. 0.11.x to 0.12.0 ---------------- model configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have split the configuration in a model configuration and parameters used to configure the server, train, and evaluate scripts. The configuration file now only contains the ``pipeline`` as well as the ``language`` parameters. Example: .. code-block:: yaml langauge: "en" pipeline: - name: "nlp_spacy" model: "en" # parameter of the spacy component - name: "ner_synonyms" All other parameters have either been moved to the scripts for training (:ref:`train_parameters`), serving models (:ref:`server_parameters`), or put into the pipeline configuration (:ref:`section_pipeline`). persistors: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - renamed ``AWS_REGION`` to ``AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`` - always make sure to specify the bucket using env ``BUCKET_NAME`` - are now configured solely over environment variables 0.9.x to 0.10.0 --------------- - We introduced a new concept called a ``project``. You can have multiple versions of a model trained for a project. E.g. you can train an initial model and add more training data and retrain that project. This will result in a new model version for the same project. This allows you to, allways request the latest model version from the http server and makes the model handling more structured. - If you want to reuse trained models you need to move them in a directory named after the project. E.g. if you already got a trained model in directory ``my_root/model_20170628-002704`` you need to move that to ``my_root/my_project/model_20170628-002704``. Your new projects name will be ``my_project`` and you can query the model using the http server using ``curl http://localhost:5000/parse?q=hello%20there&project=my_project`` - Docs moved to https://rasahq.github.io/rasa_nlu/ - Renamed ``name`` parameter to ``project``. This means for training requests you now need to pass the ``project parameter instead of ``name``, e.g. ``POST /train?project=my_project_name`` with the body of the request containing the training data - Adapted remote cloud storages to support projects. This is a backwards incompatible change, and unfortunately you need to retrain uploaded models and reupload them. 0.8.x to 0.9.x --------------- - add ``tokenizer_spacy`` to trained spacy_sklearn models metadata (right after the ``nlp_spacy``). alternative is to retrain the model 0.7.x to 0.8.x --------------- - The training and loading capability for the spacy entity extraction was dropped in favor of the new CRF extractor. That means models need to be retrained using the crf extractor. - The parameter and configuration value name of ``backend`` changed to ``pipeline``. - There have been changes to the model metadata format. You can either retrain your models or change the stored metadata.json: - rename ``language_name`` to ``language`` - rename ``backend`` to ``pipeline`` - for mitie models you need to replace ``feature_extractor`` with ``mitie_feature_extractor_fingerprint``. That fingerprint depends on the language you are using, for ``en`` it is ``"mitie_feature_extractor_fingerprint": 10023965992282753551``. 0.6.x to 0.7.x -------------- - The parameter and configuration value name of ``server_model_dir`` changed to ``server_model_dirs``. - The parameter and configuration value name of ``write`` changed to ``response_log``. It now configures the *directory* where the logs should be written to (not a file!) - The model metadata format has changed. All paths are now relative with respect to the ``path`` specified in the configuration during training and loading. If you want to run models that are trained with a version prev to 0.7 you need to adapt the paths manually in ``metadata.json`` from .. code-block:: json { "trained_at": "20170304-191111", "intent_classifier": "model_XXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ/intent_classifier.pkl", "training_data": "model_XXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ/training_data.json", "language_name": "en", "entity_extractor": "model_XXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ/ner", "feature_extractor": null, "backend": "spacy_sklearn" } to something along the lines of this (making all paths relative to the models base dir, which is ``model_XXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ/``): .. code-block:: json { "trained_at": "20170304-191111", "intent_classifier": "intent_classifier.pkl", "training_data": "training_data.json", "language_name": "en", "entity_synonyms": null, "entity_extractor": "ner", "feature_extractor": null, "backend": "spacy_sklearn" }