.. _section_persistence: Model Persistence ================= rasa NLU supports using `S3 `_ and `GCS `_ to save your models. * Amazon S3 Storage S3 is supported using the ``boto3`` module which you can install with ``pip install boto3``. Start the rasa NLU server with ``storage`` option set to ``aws``. Get your S3 credentials and set the following environment variables: - ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` - ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` - ``AWS_REGION`` - ``BUCKET_NAME`` * Google Cloud Storage GCS is supported using the ``google-cloud-storage`` package which you can install with ``pip install google-cloud-storage`` Start the rasa NLU server with ``storage`` option set to ``gcs``. When running on google app engine and compute engine, the auth credentials are already set up. For running locally or elsewhere, checkout their `client repo `_ for details on setting up authentication. It involves creating a service account key file from google cloud console, and setting the ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` environment variable to the path of that key file. If there is no bucket with the name ``$BUCKET_NAME`` rasa will create it. Models are gzipped before saving to cloud.