.. _stories: Stories - The Training Data =========================== A training data sample for the dialogue system is called a **story**. This shows you how to define them and how to visualise them. Format ------ Here's an example from the bAbi data: .. code-block:: md ## story_07715946 * greet - action_ask_howcanhelp * inform{"location": "rome", "price": "cheap"} - action_on_it - action_ask_cuisine * inform{"cuisine": "spanish"} - action_ask_numpeople * inform{"people": "six"} - action_ack_dosearch This is what we call a **story**. A story starts with a name preceded by two hashes ``## story_03248462``, this is arbitrary but can be used for debugging. The end of a story is denoted by a newline, and then a new story starts again with ``##``. You can use ``> checkpoints`` to modularize and simplify your training data: .. code-block:: md ## first story * hello - action_ask_user_question > check_asked_question ## user affirms question > check_asked_question * affirm - action_handle_affirmation ## user denies question > check_asked_question * deny - action_handle_denial .. note:: You can also **spread your stories across multiple files** and specify the folder containing the files for most of the scripts (e.g. training, visualization). The stories will be treated as if they would have been part of one large file. .. _story-visualization: Visualization of Stories ------------------------ Sometimes it is helpful to get an overview of the conversational paths that are described within a story file. To make debugging easier and to ease discussions about bot flows, you can visualize the content of a story file. .. note:: For this to work, you need to **install graphviz**. These are the instructions to do that on OSX, for other systems the instructions might be slightly different: .. code-block:: bash brew install graphviz pip install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz" \ --install-option="--library-path=/usr/lib/graphviz/" As soon as this is installed you can visualize stories like this: .. code-block:: bash cd examples/concertbot/ python -m rasa_core.visualize -d concert_domain.yml -s data/stories.md -o graph.png This will run through the stories of the ``concertbot`` example in ``data/stories.md`` and create a graph stored in the output image ``graph.png``. .. image:: _static/images/concert_stories.png We can also run the visualisation directly from code. For this example, we can create a ``visualize.py`` in ``examples/concertbot`` with the following code: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/concertbot/visualize.py Which will create the same image as the above python script call. The shown graph is still very simple, but the graphs can get quite complex. If you want to replace the messages from the stories file, which usually look like ``greet`` with real messages e.g. ``Hello``, you can pass in a Rasa NLU training data instance to replace them with messages from your training data. .. note:: The story visualization needs to load your domain. If you have any custom actions written in python make sure they are part of the python path, and can be loaded by the visualization script using the module path given for the action in the domain (e.g. ``actions.ActionSearchVenues``).