Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core.

Source code for rasa_core.dispatcher

import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import typing
from typing import Text, List, Dict, Any

from rasa_core.channels import OutputChannel
from rasa_core.nlg import NaturalLanguageGenerator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from rasa_core.trackers import DialogueStateTracker

class Element(dict):
    __acceptable_keys = ['title', 'item_url', 'image_url',
                         'subtitle', 'buttons']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs = {key: value
                  for key, value in kwargs.items()
                  if key in self.__acceptable_keys}

        super(Element, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

# Makes a named tuple with entries text and data
BotMessage = namedtuple("BotMessage", "text data")

class Button(dict):

[docs]class Dispatcher(object): """Send messages back to user""" def __init__(self, sender_id: Text, output_channel: OutputChannel, nlg: NaturalLanguageGenerator) -> None: self.sender_id = sender_id self.output_channel = output_channel self.nlg = nlg self.latest_bot_messages = []
[docs] def utter_response(self, message: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None: """Send a message to the client.""" bot_message = BotMessage(text=message.get("text"), data={"elements": message.get("elements"), "buttons": message.get("buttons"), "attachment": message.get("image")}) self.latest_bot_messages.append(bot_message) self.output_channel.send_response(self.sender_id, message)
[docs] def utter_message(self, text: Text) -> None: """"Send a text to the output channel""" # Adding the text to the latest bot messages (with no data) bot_message = BotMessage(text=text, data=None) self.latest_bot_messages.append(bot_message) self.output_channel.send_text_message(self.sender_id, text)
[docs] def utter_custom_message(self, *elements: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None: """Sends a message with custom elements to the output channel.""" bot_message = BotMessage(text=None, data={"elements": elements}) self.latest_bot_messages.append(bot_message) self.output_channel.send_custom_message(self.sender_id, elements)
[docs] def utter_button_message(self, text: Text, buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sends a message with buttons to the output channel.""" # Adding the text and data (buttons) to the latest bot messages bot_message = BotMessage(text=text, data={"buttons": buttons}) self.latest_bot_messages.append(bot_message) self.output_channel.send_text_with_buttons(self.sender_id, text, buttons, **kwargs)
[docs] def utter_attachment(self, attachment: Text) -> None: """Send a message to the client with attachments.""" bot_message = BotMessage(text=None, data={"attachment": attachment}) self.latest_bot_messages.append(bot_message) self.output_channel.send_image_url(self.sender_id, attachment)
# TODO: deprecate this function
[docs] def utter_button_template(self, template: Text, buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]], tracker: 'DialogueStateTracker', silent_fail: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Sends a message template with buttons to the output channel.""" message = self._generate_response(template, tracker, silent_fail, **kwargs) if not message: return if "buttons" not in message: message["buttons"] = buttons else: message["buttons"].extend(buttons) self.utter_response(message)
[docs] def utter_template(self, template: Text, tracker: 'DialogueStateTracker', silent_fail: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """"Send a message to the client based on a template.""" message = self._generate_response(template, tracker, silent_fail, **kwargs) if not message: return self.utter_response(message)
def _generate_response(self, template: Text, tracker: 'DialogueStateTracker', silent_fail: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> Dict[Text, Any]: """"Generate a response.""" message = self.nlg.generate(template, tracker, self.output_channel.name(), **kwargs) if message is None and not silent_fail: logger.error("Couldn't create message for template '{}'." "".format(template)) return message