To protect your conversational data, make sure to secure the server. Either by restricting access to the server (e.g. using firewalls) or by enabling one of the authentication methods: Security Considerations.
Before you can use the server, you need to define a domain, create training data, and train a model. You can then use the trained model! See Quickstart for an introduction.
If you are looking for documentation on how to run custom actions - head over to Actions.
The HTTP api exists to make it easy for python and non-python projects to interact with Rasa Core. The API allows you to modify the trackers (e.g. push or remote events).
Running the HTTP server¶
You can run a simple http server that handles requests using your models with:
$ python -m \
-d models/dialogue \
-u models/nlu/current \
-o out.log
The different parameters are:
, enables this additional API-d
, which is the path to the Rasa Core model.-u
, which is the path to the Rasa NLU model.-o
, which is the path to the log file.
If you are using custom actions - make sure to pass in the endpoint
configuration for your action server as well using
--endpoints endpoints.yml
Fetching models from a server¶
You can also configure the http server to fetch models from another URL:
$ python -m \
--enable_api \
-d models/dialogue \
-u models/nlu/current \
--endpoints my_endpoints.yaml \
-o out.log
The model server is specified in an EndpointConfig
), where you specify the server URL Rasa Core
regularly queries for zipped Rasa Core models:
Your model server must provide zipped Rasa Core models, and have
{"ETag": <model_hash_string>}
as one of its headers. Core will
only download a new model if this model hash changed.
Rasa Core sends requests to your model server with an If-None-Match
header that contains the current model hash. If your model server can
provide a model with a different hash from the one you sent, it should send it
in as a zip file with an ETag
header containing the new hash. If not, Rasa
Core expects an empty response with a 204
status code.
An example request Rasa Core might make to your model server looks like this:
$ curl --header "If-None-Match: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
Events allow you to modify the internal state of the dialogue. This information will be used to predict the next action. E.g. you can set slots (to store information about the user) or restart the conversation.
You can return multiple events as part of your query, e.g.:
$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:5005/conversations/default/tracker/events -d \
'{"event": "slot", "name": "cuisine", "value": "mexican"}'
You can find a list of all events and their json representation at Events. You need to send these json formats to the endpoint to log the event.
Security Considerations¶
We recommend to not expose the Rasa Core server to the outside world but rather connect to it from your backend over a private connection (e.g. between docker containers).
Nevertheless, there are two authentication methods built in:
Token Based Auth:
Pass in the token using --auth_token thisismysecret
when starting
the server:
$ python -m \
--enable_api \
--auth_token thisismysecret \
-d models/dialogue \
-u models/nlu/current \
-o out.log
Your requests should pass the token, in our case thisismysecret
as a parameter:
$ curl -XGET localhost:5005/conversations/default/tracker?token=thisismysecret
JWT Based Auth:
Enable JWT based authentication using --jwt_secret thisismysecret
Requests to the server need to contain a valid JWT token in
the Authorization
header that is signed using this secret
and the HS256
$ python -m \
--enable_api \
--jwt_secret thisismysecret \
-d models/dialogue \
-u models/nlu/current \
-o out.log
Your requests should have set a proper JWT header:
"Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ"
(str: sender_id)/respond
¶ Note
This endpoint will be removed in the future. Rather consider using the
channel. When added to core, it will provide you an endpoint at/webhooks/rest/webhook
that returns the same output as this endpoint. The only difference is, that you need to send the message as{"message": }"<your text to parse>"}
.Notify the dialogue engine that the user posted a new message, and get a list of response messages the bot should send back. You must
data in this format'{"query":"<your text to parse>"}'
, you can do this withExample request:
curl -XPOST localhost:5005/conversations/default/respond -d \ '{"query":"hello there"}' | python -mjson.tool
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript [ { "text": "Hi! welcome to the pizzabot", "data": {"title": "order pizza", "payload": "/start_order"}, } ]
Status Codes: - 200 OK – no error
(str: sender_id)/tracker
¶ Retrieves the current tracker state for the conversation with
. This includes the set slots as well as the latest message and all previous events.Example request:
curl http://localhost:5005/conversations/default/tracker | python -mjson.tool
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript { "events": [ { "event": "action", "name": "action_listen" }, { "event": "user", "parse_data": { "entities": [], "intent": { "confidence": 0.7561643619088745, "name": "affirm" }, "intent_ranking": [ ... ], "text": "hello there" }, "text": "hello there" } ], "latest_message": { "entities": [], "intent": { "confidence": 0.7561643619088745, "name": "affirm" }, "intent_ranking": [ ... ], "text": "hello there" }, "paused": false, "sender_id": "default", "slots": { "cuisine": null, "info": null, "location": null, "matches": null, "people": null, "price": null } }
Status Codes: - 200 OK – no error
(str: sender_id)/tracker
¶ Replace the tracker state using events. Any existing tracker for
will be discarded. A new tracker will be created and the passed events will be applied to create a new state.The format of the passed events is the same as for the
endpoint.Example request:
curl -XPUT http://localhost:5005/conversations/default/tracker -d \ '[{"event": "slot", "name": "cuisine", "value": "mexican"},{"event": "action", "name": "action_listen"}]' | python -mjson.tool
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript { "events": [ { "event": "slot", "name": "cuisine", "value": "mexican" }, { "event": "action", "name": "action_listen" } ], "latest_message": { "entities": [], "intent": {}, "text": null }, "paused": false, "sender_id": "default", "slots": { "cuisine": "mexican", "info": null, "location": null, "matches": null, "people": null, "price": null } }
Status Codes: - 200 OK – no error
(str: sender_id)/tracker/events
¶ Append the tracker state of the conversation with events. Any existing events will be kept and the new events will be appended, updating the existing state.
The format of the passed events is the same as for the
endpoint.Example request:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5005/conversations/default/tracker/events -d \ '[{"event": "slot", "name": "cuisine", "value": "mexican"},{"event": "action", "name": "action_listen"}]' | python -mjson.tool
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript { "events": null, "latest_message": { "entities": [], "intent": { "confidence": 0.7561643619088745, "name": "affirm" }, "intent_ranking": [ ... ], "text": "hello there" }, "paused": false, "sender_id": "default", "slots": { "cuisine": "mexican", "info": null, "location": null, "matches": null, "people": null, "price": null } }
Status Codes: - 200 OK – no error
Have questions or feedback?¶
We have a very active support community on Rasa Community Forum that is happy to help you with your questions. If you have any feedback for us or a specific suggestion for improving the docs, feel free to share it by creating an issue on Rasa Core GitHub repository.