Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core. The latest version is 0.14.5.

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning starting with version 0.2.0.

[Unreleased 0.11.0.aX] - master


This version is not yet released and is under active development.


  • more emoji support for PY2
  • intent confidence support in RegexInterpreter




[0.10.4] - 2018-08-08


  • more emoji support for PY2
  • intent confidence support in RegexInterpreter

[0.10.3] - 2018-08-03


  • updated to Rasa NLU 0.13
  • improved documentation quickstart


  • server request argument handling on python 3
  • creation of training data story graph - removes more nodes and speeds up the training

[0.10.2] - 2018-07-24


  • new RasaChatInput channel
  • option to ignore entities for certain intents


  • loading of NLU model

[0.10.1] - 2018-07-18


  • documentation changes

[0.10.0] - 2018-07-17


This is a major new release with backward incompatible changes. Old trained models can not be read with the new version - you need to retrain your model. View the Migration Guide for details.


  • allow bot responses to be managed externally (instead of putting them into the domain.yml)
  • options to prevent slack from making re-deliver message upon meeting failure condition. the default is to ignore http_timeout.
  • added ability to create domain from yaml string and export a domain to a yaml string
  • added server endpoint to fetch domain as json or yaml
  • new default action ActionDefaultFallback


  • changed the logic inside AugmentedMemoizationPolicy to recall actions only if they are the same in training stories
  • moved AugmentedMemoizationPolicy to memoization.py
  • wrapped initialization of BackgroundScheduler in try/except to allow running on jupyterhub / binderhub/ colaboratory
  • fixed order of events logged on a tracker: action executed is now always logged before bot utterances that action created


  • removed support for topics

[0.9.6] - 2018-06-18


  • fixed fallback policy data generation

[0.9.5] - 2018-06-14


  • handling of max history configuration in policies
  • fixed instantiation issues of fallback policy

[0.9.4] - 2018-06-07


  • fixed evaluation script
  • fixed story file loading (previously some story files with checkpoints could create wrong training data)
  • improved speed of data loading

[0.9.3] - 2018-05-30


  • added token auth to all endpoints of the core server

[0.9.2] - 2018-05-30


  • fix handling of max_history parameter in AugmentedMemoizationPolicy

[0.9.1] - 2018-05-29


  • persistence of training data collected during online learning if default file path is used
  • the agent() method used in some rasa_core.server endpoints is re-run at every new call of the ensure_loaded_agent decorator
  • fixed OR usage of intents

[0.9.0] - 2018-05-24


This is a major new release with backward incompatible changes. Old trained models can not be read with the new version - you need to retrain your model.


  • supported loading training data from a folder - loads all stories from all files in that directory
  • parameter to specify NLU project when instantiating a RasaNLUInterpreter
  • simple /respond endpoint to get bot response to a user message
  • /conversations endpoint for listing sender ids of running conversations
  • added a Mattermost channel that allows Rasa Core to communicate via a Mattermost app
  • added a Twilio channel that allows Rasa Core to communicate via SMS
  • FallbackPolicy for executing a default message if NLU or core model confidence is low.
  • FormAction class to make it easier to collect multiple pieces of information with fewer stories.
  • Dockerfile for rasa_core.server with a dialogue and Rasa NLU model


  • moved server from klein to flask
  • updated dependency fbmessenger from 4.3.1 to 5.0.0
  • updated Rasa NLU to 0.12.x
  • updated all the dependencies to the latest versions


  • List slot is now populated with a list
  • Slack connector: slack_channel kwarg is used to send messages either back to the user or to a static channel
  • properly log to a file when using the run script
  • documentation fix on stories

[0.8.6] - 2018-04-18


  • pin rasa nlu version to 0.11.4 (0.12.x only works with master)

[0.8.5] - 2018-03-19


  • updated google analytics docs survey code

[0.8.4] - 2018-03-14


  • pin pykwalify<=1.6.0 as update to 1.6.1 breaks compatibility

[0.8.3] - 2018-02-28


  • pin fbmessenger version to avoid major update

[0.8.2] - 2018-02-13


  • script to reload a dumped trackers state and to continue the conversation at the end of the stored dialogue


  • minor updates to dependencies


  • fixed datetime serialisation of reminder event

[0.8.1] - 2018-02-01


  • removed deque to support python 3.5
  • Documentation improvements to tutorials
  • serialisation of date time value for ReminderScheduled event

[0.8.0] - 2018-01-30

This is a major version change. Make sure to take a look at the Migration Guide in the documentation for advice on how to update existing projects.


  • --debug and --verbose flags to scripts (train.py, run.py, server.py) to set the log level
  • support for story cycles when using checkpoints
  • added a new machine learning policy SklearnPolicy that uses an sklearn classifier to predict actions (logistic regression by default)
  • warn if action emits events when using a model that it did never emit in any of the stories the model was trained on
  • support for event pushing and endpoints to retrieve the tracker state from the server
  • Timestamp to every event
  • added a Slack channel that allows Rasa Core to communicate via a Slack app
  • added a Telegram channel that allows Rasa Core to communicate via a Telegram bot


  • rewrite of the whole FB connector: replaced pymessenger library with fbmessenger
  • story file utterance format changed from * _intent_greet[name=Rasa] to * intent_greet{"name": "Rasa"} (old format is still supported but deprecated)
  • persist action names in domain during model persistence
  • improved travis build speed by not using miniconda
  • don’t fail with an exception but with a helpful error message if an utterance template contains a variable that can not be filled
  • domain doesn’t fail on unknown actions but emits a warning instead. this is to support reading logs from older conversation if one recently removed an action from the domain


  • proper evaluation of stories with checkpoints
  • proper visualisation of stories with checkpoints
  • fixed float slot min max value handling
  • fixed non integer feature decoding, e.g. used for memoization policy
  • properly log to specified file when starting Rasa Core server
  • properly calculate offset of last reset event after loading tracker from tracker store
  • UserUtteranceReverted action incorrectly triggered actions to be replayed

[0.7.9] - 2017-11-29


  • visualisation using Networkx version 2.x
  • add output about line of failing intent when parsing story files

[0.7.8] - 2017-11-27


  • Pypi readme rendering

[0.7.7] - 2017-11-24


  • log bot utterances to tracker


  • documentation improvements in README
  • renamed interpreter argument to rasa core server

[0.7.6] - 2017-11-15


  • moodbot example train command in docs

[0.7.5] - 2017-11-14


  • “sender_id” (and “DEFAULT_SENDER_ID”) keyword consistency issue #56


  • improved moodbot example - more nlu examples as well as better fitting of dialogue model

[0.7.4] - 2017-11-09


  • added method to tracker to retrieve the latest entities #68

[0.7.3] - 2017-10-31


  • parameter to specify font size when rendering story visualization


  • fixed documentation of story visualization

[0.7.2] - 2017-10-30


  • added facebook bot example
  • added support for conditional checkpoints. a checkpoint can be restricted to only allow one to use it if certain slots are set. see docs for details
  • utterance templates in domain yaml support buttons and images
  • validate domain yaml and raise exception on invalid file
  • run script to load models and handle messages from an input channel


  • small dropout in standard keras model to decrease reliance on exact intents
  • a LOT of documentation improvements


  • fixed http error if action listen is not confirmed. #42

[0.7.1] - 2017-10-06


  • issues with restart events. They created wrong a messed up history leading to wrong predictions

[0.7.0] - 2017-10-04


  • support for Rasa Core usage as a server with remote action execution


  • switched to max code line length 80
  • removed action id - use action.name() instead. if an action implementation overrides the name, it should include the action_ prefix (as it is not automatically added anymore)
  • renamed rasa_dm.util to rasa_dm.utils
  • renamed the whole package to rasa_core (so rasa_dm is gone!)
  • renamed Reminder attribute id to name
  • a lot of documentation improvements. docs are now at https://core.rasa.com
  • use hashing when writing memorized turns into persistence - requires retraining of all models that are trained with a version prior to this
  • changed agent.handle_message(...) interface for easier usage

[0.6.0] - 2017-08-27


  • support for multiple policies (e.g. one memoization and a Keras policy at the same time)
  • loading domains from yaml files instead of defining them with python code
  • added an api layer (called Agent) for you to use for 95% of the things you want to do (training, persistence, loading models)
  • support for reminders


  • large refactoring of code base

[0.5.0] - 2017-06-18


  • ScoringPolicy added to policy implementations (less strict than standard default policy)
  • RasaNLUInterpreter to run a nlu instance within dm (instead of using the http interface)
  • more tests


  • UserUtterance now holds the complete parse data from nlu (e.g. to access attributes other than entities or intent)
  • Turn has a reference to a UserUtterance instead of directly storing intent & entities (allows access to other data)
  • Simplified interface of output channels
  • order of actions in the DefaultPolicy in possible_actions (ActionListen now always has index 0)


  • RedisTrackerStore checks if tracker is stored before accessing it (otherwise a None access exception is thrown)
  • RegexInterpreter checks if the regex actually matches the message instead of assuming it always does
  • str implementation for all events
  • Controller can be started without an input channel (e.g. messages need to be fed into the queue manually)

[0.2.0] - 2017-05-18

First released version.