Warning: This document is for an old version of Rasa Core. The latest version is 0.14.5.


List of all the events the dialogue system is able to handle and supports.

An event can be referenced by its type_name attribute (e.g. when returning events in an http callback).

The Event base class

class rasa_core.events.Event(timestamp=None)[source]

Events describe everything that occurs in a conversation and tell the rasa_core.trackers.DialogueStateTracker how to update its state.

Events for Actions to Return


class rasa_core.events.SlotSet(key, value=None, timestamp=None)[source]

The user has specified their preference for the value of a slot.

Every slot has a name and a value. This event can be used to set a value for a slot on a conversation.

As a side effect the Tracker’s slots will be updated so that tracker.slots[key]=value.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        tracker._set_slot(self.key, self.value)


class rasa_core.events.Restarted(timestamp=None)[source]

Conversation should start over & history wiped.

Instead of deleting all events, this event can be used to reset the trackers state (e.g. ignoring any past user messages & resetting all the slots).

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        from rasa_core.actions.action import ActionListen
        tracker.follow_up_action = ActionListen()


class rasa_core.events.AllSlotsReset(timestamp=None)[source]

All Slots are reset to their initial values.

If you want to keep the dialogue history and only want to reset the slots, you can use this event to set all the slots to their initial values.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):


class rasa_core.events.ReminderScheduled(action_name, trigger_date_time, name=None, kill_on_user_message=True, timestamp=None)[source]

Allows asynchronous scheduling of action execution.

As a side effect the message processor will schedule an action to be run at the trigger date.


class rasa_core.events.ConversationPaused(timestamp=None)[source]

Ignore messages from the user to let a human take over.

As a side effect the Tracker’s paused attribute will be set to True.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        tracker._paused = True


class rasa_core.events.ConversationResumed(timestamp=None)[source]

Bot takes over conversation.

Inverse of PauseConversation. As a side effect the Tracker’s paused attribute will be set to False.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        tracker._paused = False

Automatically tracked events


class rasa_core.events.UserUttered(text, intent=None, entities=None, parse_data=None, timestamp=None, input_channel=None, message_id=None)[source]

The user has said something to the bot.

As a side effect a new Turn will be created in the Tracker.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        # type: (DialogueStateTracker) -> None

        tracker.latest_message = self


class rasa_core.events.BotUttered(text=None, data=None, timestamp=None)[source]

The bot has said something to the user.

This class is not used in the story training as it is contained in the

ActionExecuted class. An entry is made in the Tracker.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        # type: (DialogueStateTracker) -> None

        tracker.latest_bot_utterance = self


class rasa_core.events.UserUtteranceReverted(timestamp=None)[source]

Bot reverts everything until before the most recent user message.

The bot will revert all events after the latest UserUttered, this also means that the last event on the tracker is usually action_listen and the bot is waiting for a new user message.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        # type: (DialogueStateTracker) -> None



class rasa_core.events.ActionReverted(timestamp=None)[source]

Bot undoes its last action.

The bot everts everything until before the most recent action. This includes the action itself, as well as any events that action created, like set slot events - the bot will now predict a new action using the state before the most recent action.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        # type: (DialogueStateTracker) -> None



class rasa_core.events.ActionExecuted(action_name, policy=None, confidence=None, timestamp=None)[source]

An operation describes an action taken + its result.

It comprises an action and a list of events. operations will be appended to the latest Turn in the Tracker.turns.

    def apply_to(self, tracker):
        # type: (DialogueStateTracker) -> None

        tracker.latest_action_name = self.action_name