
There is a big community of Rasa contributors. This page is mostly about how to contribute code to the Rasa NLU and Rasa Core libraries, but there are many other ways you can contribute! Read about them here.

Code of conduct

Rasa NLU and Rasa Core adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

Creating Pull Requests

To suggest changes, you need to create a fork of the library you want to change, and then submit a pull request. GitHub has instructions on how to do that.

Typos and other Small Fixes

If you’ve noticed a small bug or typo, please mention this in an issue, or if you feel comfortable doing so, please create a Pull Request with your fix.

New Features

If you want to add a new feature to Rasa, please create an issue first. Please also search through existing issues in case the topic has already been discussed.

We will not automatically merge in a new feature just because you developed it, so it is worth discussing with the maintainers before you start work to avoid disappointment.

If we merge in a new feature, we are taking on a lot of future work to maintain it. There is a good discussion of these trade-offs in the Elastic developer constitution .


Any new feature or change in behaviour must have a test written for it. This is enforced by our code review process. There must also be documentation for every feature. When you create a pull request, GitHub will include a checklist of everything that’s required. The code in your pull request will automatically be built by Travis CI, which will also run all the tests.

Python Conventions

To ensure consistent style, all Python code has to follow the pep-8 specification. This is quite strict, so it’s worth installing a linter for your editor or IDE which does this automatically for you.

Python Compatibility

Rasa NLU and Rasa Core runs in Python 3 (Rasa NLU is compatible with Python 2.7 up until version 0.14).

To ensure the code style consistency, make sure to follow the Google Python Style Guide when adding comments to classes and functions.